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The Bread Course

In The Bread Course, you'll learn everything you need to know to make an amazing loaf of gluten-free bread. The course is comprehensive, from ingredients to bread making techniques; sourdough starters to bread machines.

Plus, you'll learn about my one-of-a-kind Gluten-free Bread Formula, which will teach you how to create your own gluten-free bread recipes (and adapt regular ones!).

Once you've learned about the ingredients, techniques, and formula, you'll move on to nine delicious, original recipes.

Each recipe features step-by-step, high quality video instruction and an easy-to-follow recipe & method section. For paper-lovers, you’ll also have access to printable recipe PDFs in both U.S. imperial and metric measurements.

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Gluten-free pancakes
Free Lesson
Buttermilk Pancakes
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What You Get

9 Recipes
  • Timeless, versatile, and delicious recipes
  • Full-length instructional video for each recipe with step-by-step direction
  • Affordable, easy-to-find ingredients
Front close up of sliced gluten-free cinnamon raisin ​loaf of bread

Cinnamon Raisin Loaf

Front close up of sliced gluten-free oatmeal molasses ​loaf of bread

Oatmeal Molasses Loaf

Front close up of sliced gluten-free beer, cheese, and onion ​loaf of bread

Beer, Cheese, & Onion Loaf

Front close up of sliced gluten-free whole grain loaf of bread

Whole Grain Loaf

Front close up of sliced gluten-free pumpernickel ​loaf of bread

Pumpernickel Loaf

Front close up of sliced gluten-free brioche ​loaf of bread

Brioche Loaf

Front close up of sliced gluten-free seed loaf of bread

Seed Loaf

Front close up of sliced gluten-free sunflower flax sourdough loaf of bread

Sunflower Flax Sourdough Loaf

Front close up of sliced gluten-free classic ​loaf of bread

Classic Loaf

video instruction
Before you bake...
  • A deep dive into the ingredients used in the course.
  • A comprehensive look at gluten-free bread making techniques and equipment.
  • A step-by-step guide on how to make your own sourdough starter.
  • A detailed bread machine section (and yes, the recipes are bread machine friendly)!
  • Learn about the Gluten-free Bread Formula: how to create your own gluten-free bread recipes (and adapt regular ones).
...and more!
  • Access to Robyn's Gluten-free Baking Community: ask questions, share your successes, and discuss the course with fellow passionate bakers.
  • Baking support via the community, email, and Zoom sessions (if needed!).
printable PDFs
$129 USD
Tax included
One-time payment. Unlimited access.
$174 CAD
Tax included
One-time payment. Unlimited access.
Save 50% until May 31!
You’re covered by our Happy Baking Guarantee!

Course F.A.Q.