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Read what

Lynne C.

has to say...

I’m so grateful that I found Robyn’s baking courses. I think most people who have had to give up gluten would agree that certain substitutions were relatively easy. For example, our family didn’t really miss wheat pasta. However, when it came to breads and baking that was a tough one. When my son was first diagnosed 11 years ago, I really struggled to find any bread that he would eat. Finally, over time, I think he just forgot what real bread tasted like and was ok with some of the store-bought stuff that I would bring home.

For a while, I tried making some breads in a bread maker I had received for Christmas, but everything was dense and doughy. Then, one day, I was reading the Canadian Celiac Association newsletter, and saw an ad for Robyn’s baking courses. She was offering a free recipe for Easter eggs chocolate chip cookies. I thought “why not” and tried them. They disappeared fast, so I thought, why not try one of the courses.

I can’t remember if I first bought the Essentials course or the Bread one, but I know the first recipe I tried was either the classic loaf or the French loaf. I still remember my husband’s face when he first tried a slice (he strongly dislikes gluten free bread). He looked at me and said,“This is actually good, I think you found your recipe”. Now I make the French loaf about once per week. When we travel internationally, I bring premixes and make bread wherever we are staying. I actually just sent my mom home with two Ziplock bags of premixed flours so that when we visit this summer, I can just make a couple of loaves.

I know this testimonial is too long, but I need to add a few more things. My husband’s parents invited us over for dinner one day. I had made dinner rolls out of the French bread so I figured I would bring them over for my son. My mother-in-law (who has also been vocal about her dislike of gf bread) had forgotten to buy rolls so she just put mine on the table. Only my son is celiac, the buns were gone, both my in-laws had two buns each. Then, a few weeks before Christmas, my mother-in-law said, “Why don’t we just have the gf bread for the cheese fondu, that bread you made was really good.” I don’t think I can relate how shocking this was to me. After years, of hearing people complain about gf food, sometimes within ear shot of my son.

I have bought all three courses and have been anticipating the arrival of the fourth course for months. I could speak at length about some of the recipes in the Holiday course as well. We host every Christmas Eve, and people are really surprised when they realize everything is gluten free because it tastes so good. I love Robyn’s videos; I have learned a lot from her. She is also so responsive when you write a message on the community board. I’m so glad I found her.

Lynne C.

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